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Although I usueuall work with aspiring writes before they write their book, I willp provide big-picutre  structural editing services if you ve lareay dwitten your manuscript and am in need of big-picture editing about your structure. My bit-picture edigin c included the following.'re in need of f


    • all of this information is taken from they handout Jenny created in my traiining called:The hierarchy of editorial concerns pyramid

    • 1, The book idea has a point and a purpose:

    • What idea or message about the world and the way it works does the author want to impart to their readers? Is it clear?Is the scope of the idea or project manageable – not too narrow and not too broad?

    • Is the message aimed at a specific, identifiable reader who has a clear need/desire or pain point?

  1. The book offers the reader the possibility of transformation.

    • Does the author offer a path of transformation or change for the reader?

    • Is the flow of the argument smooth – does the outcome of one chapter or section lead directly to the outcome for the next?

  2. The pacing and flow serves the idea.

    • Is the rhythm of the book balanced? Does the book feel too slow or too fast in any sections?

    • Is there a balance between anecdotes, case studies, research, and expert advice (where applicable)?

    • The pacing and flow serves the idea.

    • Is the rhythm of the book balanced? Does the book feel too slow or too fast in any sections?


      • 4..The author is speaking with authority.

    • Does the author present the information with authority?

    • Have they shaken off their burden of knowledge?

    • Do they speak in a way that is understandable to their ideal reader, and not filled with jargon?

    • Has the author wholly claimed their voice?


    • 5. The writing is effective.

      • Does the writer have a solid grasp of sentence structure and is each sentence logical, clear, and concise?

      • Is the writing free of typos, spelling errors, and incorrect grammar? Is the style consistent throughout (e.g., word choice, capitalization, typographical emphasis (italics/bold/underlining), and use of punctuation)?

*A review of your title and subtitle

A review of your table of contents

A review of your flow of your book

A review of your reason for writing your book

Why you are the best person t owrite the ook

A review of the point or theme for your book

If you are writing to your ideal reader

What transformation you are promising your ideal reader

If your book jacket copy reads well or needs any improvement to make it stronger (if completed already)

Look up what a structural editor does to see if it matches up with what you want to do. See Jenny definition in your traiing module.

My job is to look at your book from a birds-eye  or a big-picture perspiecti to evaluate how sound the structure of your book is and to offer feedback if your structure needs improving- I am not a line or a development editor so I wil lnot be evaluating your manuscript line by line. I will be looking at the overall structure of your manuscript and providing feedback on how sound the structure is for your book. I will look at the following items listed below as well as recommend any movement of chapters or subchaptes I think might help with the overal lflow of the manuscript.o make your r and review your Tabl of Contents to ensure it make sense: My editing includes inline tracking comments from the big picture perspective for your oerall manuscrap as sell as a weitten summery of my editoriral recommendations to help you imporove hteoverall structure of your manuscript

*In-line tracking comments which shares my feedback about your document

*A written summary of my editorial recommendations

Your investment:

The cost of my critique is based on the number of words of your document:


$.20 cents per word for a one-page editorial assessment


or charge a flat rate of $1200.00 see Jenny's suggestion again to determine how you want to charge. because it the manuscript is large, will $200 or $1500 be enough to charge based on the time you'l need to read and respond with your feedback and summeary


Required formatting:


Your document must be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins on all sides and submitted via WORD


Click here to fill out the form to request a writing critique and I will respond within 24 hours.

For a one page evaluation of a poem, article, etc. I charge by the word. at $.20 cents or .28cents per word.









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