According to bookcoachpro.com, a book coach...
Helps you create an outline and road map for your project so you can stick to the goal with as few distractions as possible.
- Assists you in working through challenges that slow down your process.
Can assist you with structure, voice, and content issues.
Provides creative feedback and ensures you are on the right track to a solid draft.
Offers an expert’s eye on your manuscript or document you are creating, helping you fine-tune it when needed.
Acts as your accountability partner, cheerleader, editor, mentor, teacher, counselor and so much more.
Guides the writer to reach their writing goals
What part of the book writing process do you offer as a book coach?
Before writers begin their manuscripts, I assist writers in creating a structure for their book and to define the key components needed to craft an effective manuscript. I help them develop an outline and roadmap for their project to ensure they are on the right track to writing a solid draft. Once they start the writing process, I serve as an accountability partner and coach, providing guidance and support as they write their manuscript.
What is the book coaching method you use to help me create and write a book?
I use the Blueprint for a book method created by Jenny Nash to help you create and write your book. The Blueprint for a Book Method guides you through 14 questions about your book project to help you envision your book by determining what you want to say, who you want to say it to, why you want to say it and how to give it structure and shape. It is a recommended resource to use before beginning the writing process to help you envision your book, so you have a roadmap to write towards. Source: Author Accelerator.com
What type of coaching packages do you offer to help me create and write my book?
Package #1: Introductory Package -The Mini Blueprint for a book
Ready to try book coaching but not sure you’re ready to go completely in? This coaching package is suitable for aspiring authors who want to test the waters by completing a one-page worksheet to help them define the vision for their book and the key elements needed to write a good book before they begin the writing process.
This coaching package includes:
Completion of a one-page worksheet to answer ten questions about your book idea
Inline comments about your worksheet
A 60-minute coaching call to discuss my inline comments and next step
Your investment: $99.00
Package #2: Intensive Package -The Mini Blueprint for a book with Chapter 1
This book coaching package is for aspiring authors who would like more intensive feedback and evaluation of their book idea which includes feedback on their first chapter.
This package includes:
Completion of a one-page worksheet to answer ten questions about your book idea
Written In-line feedback about your answers and an editorial summary of recommendations for improvement
A 60-minute coaching call to discuss my feedback
Written in-line feedback again on the incorporated changes to your worksheet
A second 60-minute coaching call to discuss feedback and next steps
Your investment: $550.00
Package # 3: Ongoing coaching -Writing your first draft.
This package is designed for aspiring authors who have completed the blueprint for their book and are ready to write their first draft. With my guidance, aspiring authors will write the first draft of their book, while I serve as their accountability partner and cheerleader, ensuring they stay on task and on track.
Prerequisite: Completion of the Blueprint for a Book Coaching Package Intensive
A three-month commitment
An initial coaching call to discuss your strategy for writing your book
Scheduled month-to-month accountability calls which may include...
Inline feedback on your page submissions
Working through challenges slowing down your writing
Suggestions to help you stick to your writing schedule
Prayer to motivate you to keep going
Membership in a private Facebook community to receive ongoing inspiration
Package #4 - The Bundle
Create and write your book by buying both packages #2 and #3!
Your investment: $2000
Note: For self-publishing assistance if you've completed your manuscript, click here to review my self-publishing coaching packages.
Hiring a book coach has been very helpful, a step in the right direction to get me off 'dead center" or thereabouts.
What appeared perfectly clear to me needs some more thought. Jeaninne challenged my approach to developing
a dual purpose book. It is making me explore the importance and incorporation of this approach. I really benefitted from the blueprint exercise. It helped me to add color to my vision for the book, her sessions with me were very professional and the conversation flowed well. Her expertise in this area of "book coaching" was evident. Flora Green, Aspiring Christian Author