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Are you an eagle or a hippopotamus?


There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud. Carl Sandburg

Every so often I run into them on my journey as a Christian author. And every time I encounter them, I have a choice - to overcome them or let them overcome me. 

What are they? The calling blockers. In the book, How to live your calling, the authors describe calling blockers as “things that prevent you from taking the needed actions to live out your calling.” They list four calling blockers people encounter as they seek to live their callings - fear, negative thinking, busyness, and money. How do these relate to you as an aspiring writer? Busyness keeps you from carving out time to write. Fear keeps you from submitting your writings for publication. Negative thinking keeps you from believing your writngs are good enough, and money keeps you from pursuing a career as a writer.

Which of the above calling blockers are causing you to wallow in the mud of doubt and fear when there’s a writer in you that wants to soar?

Sharing the journey,



Today's takeaway for your writing journey: Name one calling blocker that is getting in the way of your desire to write for publication and how you are planning to overcome it. Post your comments on my blog. I enjoy hearing from you.


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