I enjoy living out the call of writing for the kingdom, but there are some days when I simply don't feel like writing. Some days when the motivation just isn't there. And those are the days when I have to remember my why.
My why determines the reason I write. It helps me get up every morning and stay committed to my writing schedule. It gets me back on track when I've gotten off track with my writing goals.
You will also need to know your reason for writing when discouragement sets in on your journey to become a Christian author. So take a moment to review the following reasons to help you answer the question: "Why are you writing? "
It's my life goal to write a book I can be proud of
I want to get an agent and a publishing deal
I want to see my book on the shelves of a bookstore
I want to reach readers with my words
I want to sell lots of books.
I want to receive critical acclaim and win a literary prize
I want to make a full-time living with my writing
I want to create a body of work that I can be proud of over my lifetime.
Source: Joanna Penn, Author of the Successful Author Mindset
Remember, your “why” will sustain you during challenging days. It’s the compass guiding your writing journey. If you'd like further assistance defining your reason(s) for writing, consider a free consultation.
Your unique voice as a writer deserves to be heard and it will when you understand your reason for writing!
Coach Jeaninne