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Returning to your default settings- A lesson from Peter

"Lord, you know everything. You know that I Love you." Jesus said. "Feed my sheep. John 21:17B (NLT)

Have you ever noticed how a computer automatically reverts to its default settings? It does so because that’s what it’s programmed to do. Similarly, when rejection, discouragement, and other challenges arise in my life as a Christian writer, I’ve often been tempted to revert to my default setting—writing as a hobby.


Simon Peter reverted to his default setting. Jesus called him to become a fisher of men, but after denying Jesus three times, Peter reverted to what he was naturally programmed to do – fishing for fish.


When Peter reverted to fishing for fish, he discovered he was no longer as successful as he was before. Why? Because Jesus had called Peter to fish for men. Understanding Peter’s discouragement after denying Him three times, Jesus took the time to remind and renew Peter’s faith in his new calling.


Peter's story is a powerful reminder that even when we falter, Jesus is there to renew our faith and guide us back to our true calling as Christian writers. When we’re tempted to revert to writing as a hobby, Jesus gently reminds us of our divine calling as we immerse ourselves in His Holy Word. During moments of discouragement or when we feel we’ve failed in our professional writing endeavors, He whispers words of encouragement, renewing our strength and resolve to continue writing for His kingdom.


For example, in John 21:15-17, Jesus reinstated Peter, asking him three times, “Do you love me?” and each time instructing him to “Feed my sheep.” After Jesus renewed Peter's faith in his new calling, he went on and pursued a wonderful ministry of preaching, teaching, and healing.


As Christian writers, we must remember that our calling is not just a hobby but a ministry. When challenges arise, we must not revert to our default settings but instead seek encouragement and strength from Jesus. He has called us for a purpose, and He will equip us to fulfill that calling. Trust Him to provide the inspiration and strength you need to continue writing for His kingdom.


Sharing the journey,

Coach Jeaninne

For more help living out the call of writing for the kingdom, visit me at

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